Bio fuel briquettes
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Bio fuel briquettes

Biomass Wood Briquettes

Bio Fuel Briquettes vs Firewood?

Briquettes offer superior heat efficiency from local, sustainable energy resources

Our bio fuel briquettes are the perfect solution if you are looking for an environmentally friendly, highly-efficient fuel for your log burner or stove. The benefits of using briquettes made from Biomass include that the fuel burns at a much higher temperature when compared with your standard firewood. They also burn for much longer, are cleaner, easy to store and are also much cheaper., What me could you want from a feel? If you have any questions about bio fuel briquettes and would like a call to discuss the benefits, simply fill in our enquiry form.
  biofuel briquettes
  Biomass Briquettes Bio Fuels

Bio Fuel Briquettes are log shaped blocks made from compressed and recycled sawdust and shavings. They are deal for use in a woodburner, stove or enclosed fire and feature a number of benefits - shown right. They typically containing 12% less moisture than regular logs and burn stronger, for longer providing unrivalled efficiency.

  Biomass Briquettes
Bio fuel briquettes

Bio log briquettes


Delivery and Purchasing Bio Fuel Briquettes
Nationwide delivery of Bio Fuels

At Bio Fuel UK Ltd we deliver bio fuel briquettes on a nationwide basis. Simply order the briquettes and other bio fuel products from our online shop and we will deliver to you anywhere in the UK. We sell some of following products:

  • Bio logs 10kg bags
  • Bio logs 15kg approx weight. Box of 20x logs
  • Heat Briquettes Half Pallet- 45 x 10 kg boxes

Bio fuel Briquettes
bio fuel briquettes

At Bio Fuel UK Ltd we are committed to providing environmentally friendly fuels from sustainable and responsible sources.

Benefits of Bio Fuel Briquettes:

Bio fuel briquettes Burn Stronger for Longer
bio fuel briquettes No Impurities
biomass briquettes Less Moisture than wood
Biomass briquettes Easy to store
Bio fuel briquettes Clean

Bio Fuel Briquettes are manufactured from biomass and are perfect fro wood burning stoves for both domestic and commercial usage. The briquettes burn for much longer, producing a higher level of heat and the briquettes are clean to the touch, no residue!

Bio Fuel Briquettes

  BioFuels UK Ltd | Nationwide Delivery Of Bio Fuels | Email:  
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